
Push notifications

have gone through the topic “AZURE Push notifications to users by using Mobile Services” and mentioned below my thoughts on this topic.

In this article one app has designed using azure mobile service to send and receive the notification. So in both cases the method is called from app that if there is any data entered it should be saved on AZURE portal and one notification has to be sent. Presently the AZURE mobile service for push notification have developed for following clients like Windows Store C#, Windows Store JavaScript, Windows Phone, iOS Android. In our case, client is developed on HTML,CSS,JavaScript. So for experimental purpose  we can conduct an experiment to send push notification from android app to HTML client app. But This will work for one to one communication. (Note : support has been already added to AZURE to use mobile service with html client Source: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/mobile/tutorials/get-started-with-data-html/)

But according to discussion if there many users then we can use  Windows Azure Notification Hubs. This can be used to send push notification to many mobile services developed of on Windows 8 apps and iOS apps. As of January 2013, Notification Hubs are able to push notifications to Windows 8 apps and iOS apps.  Support for Android and Windows Phone will be added soon. Source http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj927170.aspx

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